Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Extended Marketing Mix

The extended marketing mix (7Ps) The marketing mix is the combination of marketing activities that an organisation engages in so as to best meet the needs of its targeted market. Traditionally the marketing mix consisted of just 4 Ps. For example, a motor vehicle manufacturer like Audi: * Produces products that are of the highest quality and fit for the needs of different groups of consumers, * Offers a range of cars at value for money prices, depending on the market segmented they are targeted at, Sells the cars through appropriate outlets such as dealerships and showrooms in prime locations, i. e. in the right places, and * Supports the marketing of the products through appropriate promotional and advertising activity. The marketing mix thus consists of four main elements: 1. Product 2. Price 3. Place 4. Promotion. Getting the mix of these elements right enables the organisation to meet its marketing objectives and to satisfy the requirements of customers. In addition to the tradit ional four Ps it is now customary to add some more Ps to the mix to give us Seven Ps. The additional Ps have been added because today marketing is far more customer oriented than ever before, and because the service sector of the economy has come to dominate economic activity in this country. These 3 extra Ps are particularly relevant to this new extended service mix. The three extra Ps are: 1. Physical layout – in the days when manufacturing dominated the UK economy the physical layout of production units such as factories was not very important to the end consumer because they never went inside the factory. However, today consumers typically come into contact with products in retail units – and they expect a high level of presentation in modern shops – e. g. record stores, clothes shops etc. Not only do they need to easily find their way around the store, but they also often expect a good standard or presentation. The importance of quality physical layout is important in a range of service providers, including: * Students going to college or university have far higher expectations about the quality of their accommodation and learning environment than in the past. As a result colleges and universities pay far more attention to creating attractive learning environments, student accommodation, shops, bars and other facilities. * Air passengers expect attractive and stimulating environments, such as interesting departure lounges, with activities for young children etc. * Hair dressing salons are expected to provide pleasant waiting areas, with attractive reading materials, access to coffee for customers, etc. * Physical layout is not only relevant to stores, which we visit, but also to the layout and structure of virtual stores, and websites. . Provision of customer service – customer service lies at the heart of modern service industries. Customers are likely to be loyal to organisations that serve them well – from the way in which a telephone query is handled, to direct face-to-face interactions. Although the ‘have a nice day' approach is a bit corny, it is certainly better than a couldn't care less approach to customer rela tions. Call centre staff and customer interfacing personnel are the front line troops of any organisation and therefore need to be thoroughly familiar with good customer relation's practice. . Processes – associated with customer service are a number of processes involved in making marketing effective in an organisation e. g. processes for handling customer complaints, processes for identifying customer needs and requirements, processes for handling order etc The 7 Ps – price, product, place, promotion, physical presence, provision of service, and processes comprise the modern marketing mix that is particularly relevant in service industry, but is also relevant to any form of business where meeting the needs of customers is given priority.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Leadership literature Essay

I can distill my personal command philosophy into four concepts†¦no catch phrases or buzz words†¦just simple principles[a1]  .   First, a commander needs to shut up [a2]  and let their [a3]  folks do their job as much as possible.   Second, a commander must clearly understand what the [a4]  individuals and organization expect from them.   Third, a commander must create their own reality.   Finally, a commander must be genuine.   Before explaining, I should probably qualify that what I’m[a5]   about to say is a product of my warped set of experiences.   It is in no way meant to be derisive or satirical†¦it’s just what I know to be true. Surely everyone is familiar with the notion that a well-executed, mediocre plan is much better than a poorly-executed perfect plan.   This [a6]  is the crux of empowering people.   Countless times[a7]   I have observed people discussing different approaches to a problem often pitting leaders against workers on how to skin the cat.   Unfortunately, the leader usually weighs in with the final say even overruling subject matter experts. [a8]   This leaves the subordinates to swallow the â€Å"front office† solution and try to make it work. Of course [a9]  most employees are good followers and they make it happen according to plan but there are several drawbacks of the top-down approach.   [a10]  First, it can take time for people to buy into a solution they played no part in conceiving.   Second, it can stifle solutions from the experts in the future. Third, it pulls the leader further into the weeds as direction is necessary to verify and vector progress[a11]  .   Why is this so hard to achieve in practice?   Perhaps it is personality driven, or perhaps it is instilled by senior mentors, but   for [a12]  some reason most leaders seem to lack the mental or moral aptitude to let folks press with solutions they deem â€Å"inferior.†Ã‚   Why not ask, â€Å"What do you think we should do?† and give that solution your full support.   Folks will take immediate ownership and you’ll be floored [a13]  by the results. Leadership literature is filled with cursory calls for the leader to communicate their [a14]  vision, goals and expectation.   Honestly, this somewhat of a cop out[a15]  .   Of course a leader needs to take an organization in [a16]  a clear direction, but [a17]  that direction has everything to do with context.   It is completely absurd to create a vision or organizational climate that fosters risk taking [a18]  at a nuclear base or rapid uninformed decisions in an engineering design flight. Likewise, it is equally ridiculous to roll into a squadron trying to pump [a19]  everyone up following a commander that rode them all into the ground during an ORI[a20]  .   A wise commander would take a moment to figure out, â€Å"What does this unit need from me?†Ã‚   Do they need a disciplinarian to check rampant DUIs?   Do they need a personable/approachable commander to get them through a recent suicide?   Perhaps they just need some top cover from the group or wing so they can get their jobs done.   Of course this will vary during a commander’s tenure as events occur and the personality [a21]  of the organization changes; the key to know what your folks expect of you. [a22] We’ve heard the anecdotes contrasting the impact different commanders have on the same organization, â€Å"under Col Smith my unit happy [a23]  and effective but after Col Jones took command, we were miserable and unproductive.†Ã‚   This is a good illustration of how commanders create their own reality.   Commander and supervisors who lament over their long hours, stressful environment and massive workload cannot improve their plight until they realize that they create this reality. Typically this frenetic environment is the result of a combination of poor organizational skills, micromanagement, lack of decision making and insufficient triage.   Conversely, the alternate universe that a commander should seek to create is one where folks understand what’s important, are trusted to work those priorities and insulated from distractions.   Likewise, the commander needs to be competent enough to know when to make a decision and when to shut up.   It all sounds simple, but in practice, creating this reality can be very difficult especially if there are strong type-A personalities within the unit or in the chain of command. The final concept and one that a commander has the least control over is sincerity.   One can do all the right things and say all the right things [a24]  but still be ineffective if they are not true to themselves.   If a commander isn’t passionate about what they [a25]  are [a26]  doing, doesn’t care about their[a27]   unit, or doesn’t respect their [a28]  boss, no amount of tap dancing or rhetoric will mask it.   This can be the result of apathy, narcissism or any number of other traits but it always shines through. Likewise, if a soft-spoken introvert wants to become a cheer-leading, fist-pumping commander, it will fall short.   Some amount of self-centeredness can be mitigated through education, self-reflection and mentoring but only to an extent.   Similarly, changing personal techniques or leadership styles to suit a specific situation can compensate for some personality traits.   The bottom line is that I would much rather work for a commander that was an uncharismatic, wrinkled blob who truly cared over the ‘GQ[a29]  ,’ smooth-talking egotist irrespective of how competent, ethical or confident they were. You might be thinking, â€Å"wait a minute, this guy is forgetting all the important stuff like core values, standards and discipline.†Ã‚   Well, yes, I did†¦I only have three pages and so accept these â€Å"bumper stickers† as given.   Will I expect service, integrity and excellence?   Absolutely!   Do I plan to emphasize safety, accountability and ethics?   No doubt!   I’m a military professional—anything less would be unacceptable.   It is actually these fuzzy principles (and others like them) that distinguish the vision-puking, smooth-talking automaton from an effective commander and leader in my book[a30]  .

Monday, July 29, 2019

Child Labor is a Form of Child Abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Child Labor is a Form of Child Abuse - Essay Example Child labor hampers children from furthering their intellectual growth by robbing them of time spent inside the classrooms to be educated. Childhood is a very significant period in the intellectual development of an individual. However, being tied in different chores hinders children from getting proper schooling. Even if it is argued that child labor equips children with some skills, empirical evidence emphasizes that it significantly robs children the opportunity to be educated. Children who spend more time in work activities have less time to spare to attend their classes. Furthermore, â€Å"time spent working takes away from study, play, and sleep and might undermine the effectiveness of the classroom for child workers that attend school†. Child labor also lessens the ability of children to improve their academic performance. Lastly, child labor passes the responsibility of parents to their young children. It is the sole responsibility of parents to provide the material needs of their children and it is very abusive of them to have their offspring support the family. One extreme example of this is the case of bonded laborers where child labor is used to pay the debt of the family. In all these situations, children are burdened with responsibilities which are not theirs. Child labor is a form of maltreatment as it passes parent’s responsibilities to the child. Exposing children to hazardous working conditions endangers their physical well-being while robbing them of the time to be educated hinders their growth.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Strategic Analysis - Dunkin Brands Group, Inc Research Paper

Strategic Analysis - Dunkin Brands Group, Inc - Research Paper Example Strategic Analysis - Dunkin Brands Group, Inc The company needs to improve its liquidity position in order to avoid any certain liquidity crisis. Gross profit margin of the company has slightly decreased over the years and net profit margin of the company has improved over the years. It indicates that the effectiveness and efficiency of the company has improved in generating net profit out of its total sales revenue. Return on equity of the company has decreased over the year, which indicates the efficiency of the company has decreased in generating income out of its total equity. However, return on capital employed has increased over the years, which indicate that the company has generated more revenue out of its total capital employed as compared to the year 2012. Average settlement period for debtors has improved over the years, which indicate that the company is now efficient enough in collecting receivables from is debtors. Nevertheless, the average settlement period for creditors has decreased over the years, which indicat e that the company is delaying its payments to the creditors. Thus from the above analysis it can be said that the company needs to improve its liquidity ratio to meet the necessity of liquid funds. The profitability of the company is average and it can be improved by improving the gross profit margin and the return on equity. Apart from these, payment to creditors should be made quickly in order to improve the brand image among creditors and shareholders.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Caves Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Caves - Assignment Example Even when getting inside a cave on foot, it’s not always safe. For example, de Villa Luz cave in Mexico which has a white-colored water inside, is full of unhealthy gases, specifically hydrogen sulfide which only bats, which live very up, near the cave’s ceiling can survive. Even when getting inside a quite safe cave, it seems to be a great danger. As well as the most of Earth surface, caves are made from rocks, particularly from a limestone. Limestone can be deformed, mostly by flowing water, but still it’s a hard rock and cave visitors can crash themselves, or damage the equipment. Maybe risk worth it, when discovering new wonderful places and filming a documentary program to show to other people, but it’s odd to see how people risk their lives for a delicious soup. Yet there are caves in Asia, where birds named cave swiftlets live. They build nests, and people risk their lives to get those nests and use for a specific soup cooking. Except birds, caves are highly populated with insects. The cave food chain generally, looks very disgusting. For example, there are caves in Mexico with cave’s floor almost made of beats. Those beats feed by eating bats’ excrements, or simply by eating dead bats. Another disgusting example can be found in Waitomo caves. Those caves look very beautiful when taking a panorama view. It’s dark there and millions of glowing dots are shining in darkness, like it’s a starry night. Yet in fact, they are glowing worms that do the shining. From their slim they make nets, generally looking like draperies. It’s a worms’ way to catch a food, primary insects. Remarkably, how beautiful those draperies look from a distant view and how disgusting they are when looking closely. Yet not all cave creatures are so disgusting. There are beautiful crabs, angel fishes and blind salamanders which live

Friday, July 26, 2019

Into the Fray Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Into the Fray - Case Study Example In my opinion, Danielle demonstrates the completely legitimate political behavior. After she has attempted to establish a professional relationship with Michael and upon his refusal and inaction, she has no reason to regard Michael as an ally. Still, the communication she has with Michael and his subordinates is straightforward by emailing and meetings proposals. The problem with political behavior is not with Danielle’s moves, but with Michael’s disregard of â€Å"social alliances that make an organization run†. Therefore rumors and interpretations make Danielle's behavior seem threatening and illegitimate. The only problem is that Danielle is acting and connecting to people in order to obtain the desired position, and Michael is not.First of all, Michael should decide whether or not he wants a career at Lafleur (Hassan). If he does, then his ambition should be long-term oriented and he and his family should judge as to what the best move for Michael is. If he r eally wants to develop in Lafleur, then he should take this opportunity seriously and discuss the personal implications with his family. Michael lacks international experience and the China position is an opportunity for him to develop his leadership abilities in networking and grow in the company. What is more, CEO’s proposition is only indicative that Michael is not the best candidate for Beaumont's place right now, but it also proves Pierre’s trust in Michael’s abilities and his desire to keep Michael motivated and within the company.

Patient guide to WWW Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Patient guide to WWW - Assignment Example But in general, if you cant find the information duplicated in more than 2 or 3 references, then it is questionable at best. As a caregiver, your job is to find the most accurate and useful websites pertaining to the condition of your patient. In order to use the internet search engines effectively, you need to know how to assess the websites you are reading. We hope that the guidelines above can help you remain healthy and strong over the coming years. My sister was diagnosed with uncontrolled Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). The Gastroenterologist prescribed proton pump inhibitors (Nexium) in order to control pain and dissipate stomach acid .The doctor also advised a lifestyle and diet change for the patient.We asked the doctor for more information about her illness and the lifestyle and diet changes that it will entail. The doctor advised that we check out the Mayo Clinic website located at : for more information about the drugs, treatments, and lifestyle changes that will be necessary in order to control the illness. The reason that he recommended Mayo Clinic as a web source is because the hospital is one of the most highly respected and trusted research hospitals in the country. Their website looks highly professional and the content is overseen by highly qualified Mayo Clinic staffers. The website itself contains further information about GERD including lifestyle and home remedies plus an alternative medicine guide for patients who prefer a holistic type of treatment. Even though the website contains some advertising in it, there is an advertising disclaimer / policy located within the page that explains why Mayo Clinic has decided to accept advertising for its website. None of the ads are related to GERD and therefore does not seem like the Mayo Clinic is recommending and specific treatments for the illness. More importantly, the information contained

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Buddhism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Buddhism - Essay Example Buddha then offered to heal her child only if she is able to bring a mustard seed given by a family who has not experienced death. Kisogatami searched and was able to find families willing to provide her with the mustard seed but to her dismay each one had experienced death at one point. In the end, Kisogatami understood that death comes to all and she finally accepted the fact of her baby’s death (Matthews, p.115). The idea of death in Buddhism, much like in every other religion, is an acceptable and inevitable part of human life. But where death is usually the end of a life’s cycle in others, the concept of rebirth is a reoccurring process until one reaches Nirvana which is essentially â€Å"the state of being free of egocentrism and the suffering that it causes. Positively, it is joy and peace† (ibid). Karmic destiny is understood to be an invisible force to which certain events and something that even moral justice is not included as opined by some since some Buddhists regard this as the causation of suffering brought about not by their doing and beyond any person’s control. Weber (as cited by Keyes and Daniel, p.15) cannot â€Å"be a logical solution to theodicy, since it points to an ultimate force that cannot be comprehended in logical terms.† Cause and effect best describes the notion of karma and how it affects the life of an individual. Fundamentally, man seeks to find an explanation to the suffering which one endures and religion can provide for a comprehensive elucidation to this predicament by offering various and largely acceptable enlightenments. Westerns philosophers are among the supporters of how the notion of karma and rebirth provides for a substantial explication of suffering and the problem evil. Extensively compared to the Christian rationalization of evil, Max Weber and Arthur Henman together with Michael Stoeber points to the apparent logic of this Buddhist doctrines as a more reasonable justification than the notion of purgatory (Kaufman, pp.15-16). Buddhism has greatly advanced its presence worldwide and the logical appreciation of karma brings it forth as a simple yet compelling belief which can be attributed to its acceptability. In the strict erudite of theodicy, the conviction of God as an all-loving and all-knowing Supreme Being gives rise to the basic question of why does evil exist. This main concern of theodicy makes karma an inconsistent answer since as pointed out earlier, karma does not extensively discuss nor expound on the same because man’s suffering is by his own doing base on previous acts or wrongdoings. Nevertheless, Kaufman maintains that a modern understanding of the concept would elucidate on karma and reincarnation as it provides for an easy response to why suffering exists. He then accedes to the five recognizable flaws in consideration of karma. The first is that one does not remember anything in what is supposed to be one’s own past life a nd is thus inimical to justice since he would never know for what he is being punished for. Second is the fact that there must be a correlation to the amount of suffering in consideration of what was previously done and in this case, similar to the previous one, there would be clear difficulty in ascertaining what offense was previously committed. The third is what he refers to as infinite regress which points to questioning the beginning of the process and in this sense it ignores the question by the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

SUDAN COUNTRY REPORT PROJECT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SUDAN COUNTRY REPORT PROJECT - Essay Example It has a series of civil wars, political instability and social instability. Achieving a good count of the population is difficult in Sudan because of the constant conflicts in the southern, Eastern and Western regions over the past few decades. The main contribution to this effect is the fact that the southern Sudan government has accused Sudan of deliberately manipulating the census in oil rich regions. These are on the border between Sudan and the Southern Sudan because, with the population as a determining factor, there can, therefore, be a fair share of wealth and power. The other challenge to the population count is the existence of southern Sudanese refugees in the north whose citizenship is questionable after the succession of South Sudan. Nevertheless, as at July 2010, the population was estimated at 43,939,598. Sudan is an ethic-based country. There are more than one hundred ethnic communities2. Arabic is the official language dominating the country’s population. English is being faced out as a foreign language taught in schools although it is still spoken by some people. The country’s population of up to 97% is adherents of Islamic religion with the majority in the Sunni branch. Others are in the Maliki School of Islamic jurisprudence, and the remaining 3% of the population are either Christians or animists. Religious identity plays a major role in political division, in the country in that the Northern and Western Muslims have been at the centre of the country’s political and economic system since independence. Ending the civil war started with the Machakos protocol in July 2002. In 2004, the Sudan government worked together with the United Nations, resulted in signing of the accord that declared for a peace agreement and hence their government signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. Based on this agreement, the government of Sudan today is known as a government of National Unity, a power sharing government between the Sudan’s

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Enron Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Enron - Research Paper Example top, what exactly went wrong, and how this wrong was further fueled by an individual’s personal quest for gains, eventually turning the company into nothing more than a mere sand dune. A significant part of this research would also attempt to highlight circumstances under which auditors for the firm, Arthur Anderson failed to play its role as well as the failure of the federal government in its part to detect cracks in Enron’s policies and financial reporting to its shareholders. â€Å"In an attempt to identify the relationships, organizational and individual, that played a part in Enron’s fall, I will highlight the reasons that led to the eventual failure of Enron, the role played by individuals serving the management of Enron to hide information from their employees, stakeholders and the general public to elude failures and heavy losses incurred due to malpractices and willful fraudulent activities.† Based in Omaha, Nebraska, InterNorth was a very large company with investments in businesses ranging from plastics to petroleum exploration and so on. Primarily a gas pipeline manufacturer, InterNorth was also distinguished in its operations of the largest gas pipeline spread across North America. A legacy of Northern Natural Gas Company founded in 1932, InterNorth was formed as its holding company in 1979. Later in 1985, InterNorth took over Houston Natural Gas Company in 1985, in pursuit of expansionary production opportunities. For a while, the company was renamed HNG/InterNorth after the takeover, later named to Enron in just a few months. After the takeover, HNG/InterNorth fell into depth of $ 4.2 billion (Gavridis) following the acquisition of the company. In view of the critical situation, Kenneth Lay, then CEO of HNG, used Employee Stock Ownership Program to pay off the debt. After the settlement, the company, initially planned to manage two headquarters in Omaha and Houston, moved all its operations to Houston, Texas where HNG was initially based,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Stand Up for Africa Essay Example for Free

Stand Up for Africa Essay Culture can be known as the identity or distinction of the people belonging to a certain religion, area or country. Culture shows the way in which the group of people led their life. Culture basically shows the beliefs, values, standards, life styles, traditions and behavior of the people that are belonging to a certain class. Culture makes a difference between the people of different areas and religions. People from different cultures can share each other’s culture if some aspect of one culture attracts them. (Define culture, 1, 2009) Ethnic Culture: Ethnic culture refers to the group of people that are having same historical culture or same geographical location. It simply refers to the entire background of the people. The basic traditional approach and background of ethnic groups are same. The word is basically a Greek word and it means the tribe or a nation. Ethnic culture has not been created on the bases of racial differences rather it is quite a different concept than races. The ethnic groups are made on the bases of their original land, tribes and history. The characteristics that are shared in ethnic culture may include country, origin, language, religion, ancestors and the culture shared by the ancestors. Ethnicity depends upon many different features and these features are related to the biological and historical attribute so the ethnicity is never affected and get changed by the culture in which a person is living. He will always be linked up with his ethnic culture no matter where he is living. The preservation of culture and ethnicity is the responsibility of the people belonging to that culture or ethnic group. A person should always be proud of his history and ethnicity. (Allison, 1, n. d) Western Society: It is considered that the western countries that are forming the western society are having a much modernized way of living. Their life style is pretty high as compared to the other countries of the world. Western society is mostly identified by the high levels of educated people and the modernized way of living. Western society is purely based on the modernized world and fashion and they are apparently not following any ethnic culture. The western society is totally moving ahead towards glamour, fashion and high levels of life styles. Many of the western society related people believe that ethnicity is of no value now. They consider people old fashioned if they are ethical. The western society follows the values that are set by their own. The western values include freedom, equality and modernism. All the European countries are basically western countries. (Western society, 1, n. d) Integration of Western Society and Ethnic Culture: In today’s world the ethnicity and culture are becoming so complex due to the integration of ethnic culture with the western society and as it is a known fact that western society keeps on changing and new trends and traditions are emerging in the western society. The integration of western society and ethnic culture is really a confused one as both are having different values and believes. The western society is very much impressed by the new innovations and developments. This is the age of globalization and developments and the ethnic culture is obviously lacking the innovative approach as well as it does not present any independent system. The ethnic culture is totally dependant over the customs and traditions that were set by their ancestors. Although the western society is having their own values and are just concerned with the independence and innovation but still the presence of ethnicity in the western society can not be denied because no matter to which direction the society is moving but the basis were obviously the ethnic culture of Europe. The ethnic culture has provided the roots from where the society started to flourish so the ethnicity can not be denied. Every culture and society does posses some root culture or tradition and the western society also follow the ethnic culture of Europe. But apart from the development and innovations it is recommended that the ethnicity should also be protected. (Bazieva, 1, 1998) Ethnicity can be defined as the perception of a person about himself by being a member of an ethnic group having some history and attitude to follow. Ethnic culture continues to develop and it is not a static process. Ethnicity develops by adapting a process of observing the ethnic culture for some period of time and then exploring many new things and making their relation with the changes that are being made in society today. So in this way developments in ethnic cultures are being made. Although the western societies are hardly following any ethnic culture but whatever they are doing in the world today they always integrate their modern doings with their ethnic cultures. So with the integration of ethnic cultures in to the western society it can not be said that the ethnic cultures have lost their identities because even in today’s modernized western society still the people want to show some history of their ethnic culture in all of their changing trends some how. But the main thing is that how can the ethnic cultures and western society can merge together as they are two quite different ways of living. If both the cultures are integrating then again there will be some people who would not be able to manage. The integration of ethnic culture with western society obviously provides bicultural environment in which in most of the cases it has been observed that ethnic culture never loses its identity instead the ethnic culture comes first always. When the ethnic culture is being mingled up with the western society then according to the Sommers, â€Å"Understanding the process and components of the ethnic identification is valuable. In addition, it may also help to prevent numerous psychological dysfunctions related to identity confusion† This statement illustrates that the integration of ethnic culture and western society is possible but it is necessary that the elements of ethnic culture should be understood properly and also should be preserved as they have got a lot of value because they belong to their background and history and also have been shared by their forefathers. The elements and characteristics of ethnic identity and culture are very much valuable assets for any individual that he should keep safe through out his life no matter where is he living and how. It is not bad to adapt some thing new or to be modernized but the main thing is that one should never forget his ethnicity. If the ethnic identities are getting mixed up or lost then it also can create serious mental confusions for a person and he will be confused that what he should adapt or what he should not so the ethnic culture should never be ignored. (Huang, 1, 1996) Obviously the western culture has got a lot of differences if it is compared with the ethnic culture and every ethnic culture is different from the other then still in these situations if the adaptation or integration of ethnic and western cultures occur then a lot of struggle is required to bridge the gap between the two cultures. This amalgamation some times also creates conflicts between the groups of people because in this modernized society there are many people who do not believe in ethnicity and also do not respect their history and background so the people who are in favor of ethnicity get hurt by this thing and such a situation creates the situation of conflicts. In this diversified world it is not possible to avoid the amalgamation of different cultures in to the modern world so the bond between different cultures is getting necessary but the main thing is to highlight the ethnic values and believes so that the up coming generations do not completely forget the values of their fore fathers. If the ethnic values are not presented clearly then the upcoming generations will never be able to understand their history and culture. There should be always space for all the ethnic cultures when they are being adapted by the western society. The western society should not adapt it in such a way that the ethnic culture looses its identity. There should always be a balance between the different cultures; which means that the attitudes, identity, beliefs and values should never be ignored. If the different identities are maintained then the integration of western society and ethnic cultures will never create any issue like loss of identity and so on but if the ethnic values are being ignored then this will lead to some loss as the values that are given by the elders are always helpful in all the aspects. Basically the integration of cultures never makes any culture to loose its values and beliefs until and unless the people who are following that culture are also respecting the customs and traditions set by their ethnic culture. The adaptation of modernization is not some thing wrong but the thing is to preserve your ethnicity and develop your society by keeping in mind your ethnic culture and new customs and traditions should be introduced only by having the background in the mind. (Boulding, 1, 1998)

Identifying and Meeting the Needs of an Individual Client

Identifying and Meeting the Needs of an Individual Client Olufunmilayo Adegbore Am study this course healthcare support to help me gain a better and clear understanding of the best provision require to meet the needs of my clients and to become a healthcare assistant. In this assignment I will be discussing about three clients and will change their names for security purpose. I will be identifying and meeting the needs of my individual clients. Firstly I will discuss about my first client who is suffering from memory loss due to dementia, physical disability and social isolation a little background of my client. Julia a seventy-six years old woman, a lovely wife and mother with grandchildren. Her mother is a registered supervisor that supervised the little kids. Julia has always been very family oriented because she knows her family members are the people who will always be there to support her. Julia love travels a lot she been to Rome and she have a good time when she is in Rome and she have the opportunity to meet the pope in Rome. Julia family member took her to the GP because she was suffering from cough and Julia was transferred to the hospital because Julia has developed infection through the cough and she admitted in the hospital. Memory loss which can make it difficult to carry on a long and thoughtful conversation for example Julia thinking that her mother is still alive and she very distress because of the noisy environment and become confused and upset of the disoriented ward she been put in. this can be easily distracted. By maintaining a safe environment is everyone responsibility in Julia case she needs to be supervises to prevent her wandering the corridors or she may walk out front door. Julia supposed to be in a separate room that have much space to walk around because of slips trips falls or trying a barrier like a curtain to mask the door. Julia be very able to walk, stand and strong enough to pack her things by giving Julia a job such as folding laundry might help her to make her feel needed and useful and to support her independence and ability to care for herself. Showing Julia a family picture so that she can remember things and to make time for a regular exercise and GP appointment. By maintaining a safe environment locks high or low on the door has to be installing. To give Julia ability to maintain connectedness, social relationships and networks within and outside and also Julia should be engage in meaningful activities. To enable Julia to maintain contact link to the priest and family. And a meaningful relationships with those around her. Try distracting with a snack and cup of tea Meaningful and respectful engagement with Julia has to be encouraged. Julia should be treated with kindness, respect and consideration. To communicate with Julia and to make some connection with her through touch, sound or visual stimulation that can enhance her personhood and bring out the best in her. My personal learning is to make sure I look for her responses through her facial expression, the opening of the eyes and other eye contact, body or hand movement and her strong hand-grasp to observe a smile or giggle, to see her head turn in the direction of my sound to know that Julia is listening to the story or looking through the picture album showing to her then I know I make a difference and contributed to Julia quality of life. Mr jones is a 67 years old India man, who had lived long in Ireland with his family members, his family members was the one taking care of him, until they decide to take him to care home. Mr Jones was suffering from stroke, and he was stroke on the right side of his body. I will be using (Gibbs reflective cycle Gibbs, 1998.) to explain my points. Stroke is a disease that mostly affects people in the later part of their lives. Stroke attacks peoples brain either because of their life style or what they eat or as a result of some dysfunctional aspect of the body. In this regard American Heart association (2015) Said that A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carriers oxygen and nutrients to the brain is either blocked by clot or burst (raptures). When that happens, part of the brain cannot get the blood (and oxygen) it needs, so it and brain cells die. Mr Jones like i said, has stroke on one side of his body, he cannot bath himself and feed himself because he is on a wheel chair and a little difficulty in his speech. Mr jones has difficulty in swallowing and this can cause fits of choking and coughing when he try to drink liquids and his loss of intellectual and thinking ability has a difficulty with his attention, concentration, and working out problem and his emotional distress. Mr Jones can still make use of his other hands, by holding the shower hand to run the water to his body, use the hand to brush his teeth, to comb his hair. By doing this I have to give Mr Jones independence by asking him if he can do any aspect of the bathing by using the other hands. By providing Mr jones wheel chair and took him for a walk to a nearby shopping mall for fresh air and to have a good communication and interaction with Mr jones and to arrange a GP visit for therapy for a day care basis and occupational therapist (OT) to assess Mr jones activities of daily living (washing, dressing etc.) physical abilities and to get Mr jones practising the techniques and to carry out daily living activities at weekends and in evenings. Maintaining safe environment special equipment such as hoist to make sure Mr Jones is moved safety. A special mattress designed to prevent pressure sores and by getting Mr Jones position is important in lying and sitting to support the weak side and to reduce muscle caused by inactivity and altered muscle tone. By adjusting the height of the armchairs and providing a handrail beside the toilet or bath and shower. Being easily distracted by noise, and other peoples conversation and showing responses and taking time to process what is be heard. My personal learning outcomes is to reduce as far as possible, background noise such as TV or radio and by keeping my sentences short and uncomplicated. By allowing Mr Jones to do things for himself it may take longer but I have to require a lot of patience. However it is well spent as it will help Mr Jones to rebuild his self-confidence. Currently m randy is 81 years old, and he reaching the end of his life, and his self-imposed isolation is being encroached upon by the forces of government. Mr Andy has lived all alone after his wife passing away 25 years ago, he lived on the shores Lake OHiggins in a house built from the remains of a shipwrecked fishing vessels. Mr Andy is a pastoralist in a small community of several hundred people, 25 miles away horseback ride through rugged mountain. One day Mr Andy makes this ride to sell his cattle in town when he had a fall and he was rush to the hospital, m randy doesnt like going to the hospital or a nursing home because he taught going to a nursing home makes someone useless. While Mr Andy he still in the hospital the social worker get involve in his case and he was being transfer to a nursing home for proper care. Mr Andy having problem with his health problem and disability to walk and to stand for a long period because Mr Andy is very old and his sensory impairment such as hearing loss. Based on Mr Andy lack of social relationships his strong risk factor for his mortality as physical activity makes him depress. Mr Andy can still maintain a balanced healthy and notorious diet because m randy is very fit and can walk and still able to do thing on his own. Social isolation has shown in Mr Andy and it has effect his health and well-being, by helping Mr Andy is by offering a counselling and support bereavement, local groups, offer a drop in centre and telephone advisory line for Mr Andy. To improve Mr Andy situation because he is very old man and not that strong anymore is to gather a smaller group of people who can share an interest for example bible study, gardening or sport and local activities that for an elderly people like Mr Andy and a daily activities like exercise and reading newspaper. Lonely people like Mr Andy need encouragement and guidance on how to be creative and to make a positive approach in meeting others, they should be allow to reaches others so that m randy retain active involve in his pattern of his own lives, rather than sitting and waiting for a doorbell to ring. My personal learning is to being nice to Mr Andy and taking trouble to find out his hopes and fears. Because m randy doesnt have anybody around him to visit him or call him on phone, I have to organise a visitors like priest, counselling or going on outings. Finally alternative therapies (e.g. massage and aromatherapy) can relieve Mr Andy. Looking at the challenges, the measures and the competences of my three clients makes me have a lot of knowledge to encourage them in their effort as to maintain independence that can provide them with sense of accomplishment in what they do and the ability to maintain independence always.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Leadership And Culture In South Africa Management Essay

Leadership And Culture In South Africa Management Essay The requirement level of leadership to contain cultural diversity has raised the continuing progress of globalization. As the facts that many contemporary leaders are confronting with, they are left no choice but to make every effort to combine all cultural components inside his or her team, it is the only way to make organizational behaviors work effectively nowadays. Especially in South Africa, national leadership based on cultural clusters is extremely important for any business growth and effective leadership. Cultural integration has made major impacts on a number of issues including perceived leadership style, satisfaction and trust between leaders and employees. History Africa is the only one continent which has completely witnessed the evolvement of human beings. Archaeologists have successfully found the most original and earliest fossil of completely evolved human being, which indicate the conclusion, as demonstrated in Evolving Theory by Darwin, that Africa is considered to be the original source of human beings birth. It has been shown by a number of archaeological documents that people in each tribe of Africa had created and developed phenomenal ancient civilization for the first time in human beings history. In ancient ages, while western colonists were still locked in by glaciers, the living situation on the continent of Africa had reached peak. At that age, the Nile River was nourishing surrounding areas and the Sahara was still covered by Greenland and forests. Especially the Egyptian civilization needs to be discussed. They were the first people who successfully calculated PI as 3.16. And their achievements in construction, sculpture and paintings were remarkable as well. Pyramid and Sphinx are still the most astounding construction miracles existing in modern world, which could be also taken as a monument for talented Egyptian people. Geographical Settings Geographically, the continent of Africa can be divided into five different areas, respectively as Eastern Africa, Western Africa, Northern Africa, Southern Africa and Middle Africa. Particular climate and special geographical setting has given Africa abundant treasures and resources, which are being traded to every corner of the world. Nowadays, South Africa is famous for the abundance of mineral resource, including oil, gold and some types of rare elements. Social Relationships The language context after colonial administration in South Africa has left behind many evidences in the situation of local governments, police system, and military institutions. Education When it comes to the topic of education in South Africa, a complicated relationship between Arabian and Education had been established. Hence, the major issue of South African education has been in the center of the process of Arabian transformation. Three of this transformation include, to promote the Arabic language by building up standards and modernizing them to meet the new requirement of independent South Africa, to gradually replace French with standardized Arabic in all formal areas of lives, and to conserve authenticity of South African unique culture and value system or belief, as well as to make sure political unity and socio cultural coherence. Language Language plays an important role in modern development of South Africa, both positively and negatively. In order to maintain and strengthen major national cohesion and identity a wide range of countries in Southern Africa, language is functioning as a significant sign of group identity, in relation to a communicative system existing from different population groups. This function always stimulates a natural sense of solidarity among communities to create feeling as belonging to some group, which is much larger than local or regional area. In the complicated language environment in Africa, highly complicated set of linguistic configurations, which are presented by many continents nations, reflects a major need for caring and precautious attention to national integration. According to the 2001 census, isiZulu is the mother tongue of 23.8% of South Africas population, followed by isiXhosa at 17.6%, Afrikaans at 13.3%, Sesotho sa Leboa at 9.4%, and Setswana and English each at 8.2%. Seso tho is the mother tongue of 7.9% of South Africans, while the remaining four official languages are spoken at home by less than 5% of the population each (2001 census). Summary of spoken language in South Africa SOUTH AFRICAN LANGUAGES 2001 Language Number of speakers* % of total Afrikaans 5 983 420 13.35% English 3 673 206 8.2% IsiNdebele 711 825 1.59% IsiXhosa 7 907 149 17.64% IsiZulu 10 677 315 23.82% Sesotho sa Leboa 4 208 974 9.39% Sesotho 3 555 192 7.93% Setswana 3 677 010 8.2% SiSwati 1 194 433 2.66% Tshivenda 1 021 761 2.28% Xitsonga 1 992 201 4.44% Other 217 291 0.48% TOTAL 44 819 777 100% Religion and other belief systems In the complicated language environment in South Africa, highly complicated set of linguistic configurations, which are presented by many continents nationalities, reflects a major need for caring and precautious attention to national integration. This is one single concept which has been recognized and adopted by majority of South African people as particularly special importance. At the latter half of 20th century, when the concept of independence had finally been achieved by across the whole African continent, the inheritance of largely imposed and arbitrary borders resulted in an immediate emergence of quite a few nations with mixed populations, people of which barely share anything in common, both in language and cultural concepts. According to the 2001 census the overwhelming majority of South Africans, or 79.8%, are Christian. The independent African Zion Christian churches predominate, being the faith of 15.3% of the total population, and 19.2% of all Christians.  · RELIGIONS IN SOUTH AFRICA Religion Number % of total Christianity 35 750 641 79.8% Islam 654 064 1.5% Hinduism 551 668 1.2% Judaism 75 549 0.2% Other beliefs 283 815 0.6% No religion 6 767 165 15% Undetermined 610 974 1.4% TOTAL 44 819 774 100% III. Cultural Dimensions: During the last forty years, people around the world have witnessed a continuous seeking for primary explanations for the astounding growth of Sub-Sahara Africa economies, the region which might be called SSA sometimes. As people summarized about the accelerating growth in Asian countries such as Malaysia and South Korea, Sub-Sahara Africa also demonstrated one pretty good picture of their economic blueprints. And the whole process of accelerating growth happened in the quite similar way with the one in Malaysia and the other in South Korea. Even though these two Asian countries have began to taste the fruits of economic miracles (Akyuz and Gore, 2001), the Situation of South Africa is usually described by some other terms such as disaster or tragedy (UNCTAD, 2004). The major reasons which resulted in this consequence include institutional and structural weakness existing in the economic model and business system of Sub-Sahara Africa. Especially there is barely attention given to pri vate enterprises development in this area. Meanwhile, some obvious issues also exist such as poor governance (Nwankwo and Richards, 2001), management ineptitude (Kamoche, 1997) and limited staff motivation. In generally, the explanation which has been universally acknowledged for South Africas poor economic performance is concerning the concept of Leadership Weakness. Some obvious phenomenon has drawn publics attention. The leaders in African society always lack effective decisions and adapt poorly according to the demands of increasingly complicated economic system (Ochola 2007). Thus, leadership development has attracted policy interest during the past three decades, being guided by the point of view that more African management practices will be needed as ones in western countries, in order to improve their leadership skills. This view has provided intellectual legitimacy for the permanently existing stream of donor funded management group training program and organizational development interventions delivered to African organizations by western consultants. As being outlined by most leadership theories in modern academic society, the other major stream of academy indicated the fact that in South Africa, culture provides a frame of reference or logic by which leadership behavior can be easily understood. For these scholars, culture symbolizes the shared values and standards which gather members of one society or organization together as a homogenous unity, which means people living in one specific cultural environment possess their conduct under the strict regulation through a collection of aspirations and universal orientations. Meanwhile, the social structures which develop through the processes of controlled behaviors are taken as to be orderly and permanently existing. Among the scholars who advocate this strong bonding relationship between leadership and cultural environments, Hofstede is the most remarkable one. Hofstedes cultural dimensions argue that an effective leadership style may be appropriate in cultures which are high in p ower distance, collectivism, masculinity and uncertain avoidance. Meanwhile, he also indicated that this autocratic leadership style might also be conducted being characterized by external environmental orientation. It is true that autocratic leadership might be more proper and well-functioned for societies in which members have a higher concept of hierarchy and are unwilling to bypass the chain of command. In the opposite direction, the relationship-centered or democratic leadership styles are much more efficiently practiced in cultures or societies where power distance is quite low, however, the individualism and femininity in these societies are relatively higher in this dimension. On the other hand, it is easy to find out the fact that this leadership style in cultures or societies where internal environmental orientation would be dominant and featured. Hence, theoretical arguments advanced in the two streams of research, cultural theories and leadership theories, have played an important role in affecting available studies on management in South Africa. However, the arguments have not been synthesized into a coherent framework which can be guiding empirical investigations in the field. A review of the current discourses on the connections between South African culture and leadership demonstrates that scholars are divided on the issue of how culture impacts leadership on the continent. There have been a large number of scholars who use culture to justify the uniqueness of South African Leadership styles, in the process of which culture serves as a unique descriptor, while others maintain African culture as an inhibitor of effective leadership practices. IV. Implications for Organizational behavior in the country cluster One key factor which people need to know, normally ignored from studies of leadership in South Africa is a consideration of the potential significance of cultural context in which leadership and management are being practiced. Recent studies have kept showing increasing awareness of this important factor. The discussion in this paper is dedicated in seeking to reinforce the importance of this line of research for aiming to gain better insights into leadership failures on the continent and to generate guidelines for effective leader development interventions. The macro cultures of South African societies as informing the goals, expectations, relationships and resource allocation decisions of African leaders. These factors reversely help them shape decisions and working patterns in the organizations. And their general contributions would be actually affected to some large scale. Employee motivation Employees are not those who deal with loyal commitment to the company and responsibilities. The leaders are performing this role. To a great extent, those employees are normally hired to provide help to the company. They dont offer feedbacks to the company and are not considered to be going through a systematic training in order to cope with other transformations going on inside the corporations. Thus, employers in South Africa need to provide some leverage for their workers, which can be seen as motivations to push employees moving forward to come up with effective results to help the team and the company. Decision-making processes (both individual group) Leadership decision making processes in South Africa are generally established with some routine international theories of decision making, which are also widely accepted concepts and solutions to other western and Asian countries. Consultations would be another major way for these leaders to develop a final decision. Every team member will be invited into the whole procedure of decision making and forced to provide personal opinions. Their opinions would be equally valued by the rest of team as the leaders decisions. No matter what the final decision would become, this procedure does a lot of benefits than the whole development of team since they provided employees with pride, dignity and motivation to devote them into the career more deeply. Group behaviors, including teams (teambuilding processes) Team building has already become an essential part for any group of workers in South Africa to grow more professionally. It is also the first step for them to bond with other people inside the team with some common interests or needs. In order to establish a more comfortable relationship and steady working environment, team leaders are forced by leadership necessities to undertake several times a month teambuilding activities. Whether these leaders can arrange such event and make sure their employees obtained a good bonding with other peers has become another major standard to measure the capability of leaders behaviors. Actually in South Africa, the multinational companies who just have local offices in this country will assign executive officers from their home country to take over the charge of teams, whose employees are selected from South Africa. Communication The major communication valid in South Africa is based on internet emails and phone calls. The first reason to explain this would be the increasingly more advanced technology worldwide and the whole world has been termed as a village where people from various countries with totally different cultural backgrounds can share information, values, and certain thoughts. And this can be relatively the most efficient way to deal with these communication demands. The reason why business trips are not as many as in other more developed countries is that travelling budget for these officers remains low in South Africa. In addition, South Africa is essentially a very tactile, and then cut it across ethnic boundaries. The back slapping, shaking hands is common for a firm, if it is foreign tourists, can be viewed as a sign of aloofness back away from this approach. For the communication style, many white South Africans, such as commitment to a diplomatic approach and speaking simply, you can confuse with subtlety and ambiguity, unreliable, or lack of it. On the other hand, emphasizes many of the black culture of communication diplomacy or other they openly admit to disappointment that the listener cannot know the answer to the question Power and politics Power and politics is left to higher level society in South Africa. Even though these employees would share thoughts and value systems with other people as soon as possible, their leaders have to deal with powerful partners in the country to make sure their political impacts would stay by their sides. Conflict and negotiation Between white group and black group, there is no difference in conflict and negotiation area, The success of negotiations, the two partners to understand when other people arrive at what you want to understand how the negotiations. Negotiations are thus part of the business culture in South Africa, but a businessman, you should avoid harsh tactics and actions.In South Africa, and business conflict will always be solved personally or at court. Any partnership in the business world of South Africa will be formed based on some sort of agreement where friendship exists, or some middle man stays between two partners as leverage. As this situation is quite common in this country, a large number of business sues would be directly solved personally when three parts of this corporation would all appear. The middle man offers a solution or suggestion, and these two involved partners would seriously discuss the solution based on their common interests. When an agreement to eliminate this confli ct is reached, none of hard feelings remain at all. However, there are still majority of cases which cannot be solved in this way. The court will be the other option. Normally when it comes to the court in South Africa, the involve amount of money would be extremely big enough to be left for personal negotiation. Organizational structure and processes Privatization is the most widely accepted way of organizing businesses in the South Africa because it allows contacts with international business. Businesses with foreign companies are organized through partnership and joint ventures. Foreigners are not allowed to own businesses in most South Africa without having a local citizen as a partner. Organizational Culture Organizational Culture, especially in the country of South Africa, involved a common value system generally held by every single member in a certain team. And this system existing uniquely in every business team varies from one to the other. Significantly affected by the cultural clusters among every single team in South Africa, organizational behaviors under this situation should be carefully undertaken. Not only employing those internationally wide accepted concepts of organizational behaviors but also delicately combining every factor which might make changes to the teams future with these common concepts bring about many obstacles or so called leadership challenges for team leaders in South Africa. Actually, this special requirement has become a major standard to measure the leading capability of leaders in this country. Acrroding the book developing people and organizations, Jackson describes South African organizations as highly hierarchical, centralized and rule bound. Management opposes clear rules, strong leadership, controls its employees and gives well-defined lines of authority. Government still has a very strong influence on business and imposes rules as well. Family has influence on the company especially with the rising importance of blacks and their tendency towards collectivism. Organizational Change South African leaders never stopped making every single effort to bring about positive results to their teams and companies. In order to accomplish this point, making changes inside their organization is a necessarily important step. As mentioned above, in several parts of South Africa, the organization structure, which used to be described as a model where overseas executives act as leaders and domestic employees make general contributions as workers, is undergoing a slight change. The reason resulting in this has something to do the intentional transformation of modern international organizational structure. After all, it would be more efficient for domestic leaders to bond with local employees in that there is a common value system and cultural background shared by them as a whole. The left issue to undertake this major change would be the primary qualification of these domestic leaders in South Africa. Thus, majority of multinational companies who have an office in this country w ould take some actions to offer systematic trainings to these selected leaders. During these trainings, these leaders will be given thoroughly of the companys culture and made to figure out a most effective way to put these thoughts and ideas into other employees minds by taking advantage of their cultural bonding with other members of the group. Implications for leading in country cluster What approach (es) or style(s) of leadership are most commonly used, and which are most/least effective? Euro-centric Approach Management of white group reflects the Euro-centric business, and personal characteristics of a dictatorial and hierarchical authority. The organization from top to bottom in the information flow from the organization, Functions of leadership, decision-makers, she or he is a very important decision. Leadership is also provided to employees through the job description to use a certain amount of power and decision-making and goal orientation. Are controlled by management, employees, to perform his duties to pursue a given target incentive and punishment is based on the ability to receive White measured significant higher than black managers on uncertainty avoidance. This means that white managers show a higher intolerance for uncertainty than black managers. It is important to note that, although white measured higher on uncertainty avoidance than black, both groups scored above average on this dimension. (468-469) Afro-centric Approach With more black community entering business this management approach may become increasingly visible in organizations. The individual is a part of everything and has to find its place in society. People need a sense of belonging somewhere, and the administration need to feel affordable. The attitude of the company is quite informal with a free flow of information. The leader is a facilitator and guide for the group. Employees receive motivation in the group, and the group could improve group performance through peoples pressure. The Black South African management group reflects high levels f collectivism and humane orientation, above average leavels of performance orientation, uncertainty avoidance and power distance, below average levels of assertiveness and future orientation and low level of Gender Egalitarianism. This profile is to a large extent opposed to the western or European management systems and comparable to the afrocentric management system, which emphasizes collective solidarity, inclusivity, collaboration, consensus and group significance, concern for people as well as working for the common good, structure through rituals and ceremonies, patricrchy, respect and dignity. (470) Synergistic Inspirational Approach This third approach is in South Africa, and trying to combine African values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹with Western technology and management practices based on the principle of the rainbow nation. Practical approach of humanism is seeking unity in diversity. A leader must create an atmosphere of trust and respect in different values, and to create common values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and support of learning also is very important.   The company has a strong base of values; you must have a strong vision and proper management. Literally, this approach takes the best of all cultures, saying that attempts to strengthen the bond to meet future growth. It is clear that which leadership is the most effective, but it depends a lot of leaders and managers of organizations, and how quickly the change happened in South Africa. If people recognize the importance of diversity and start seeing the benefits, culture could be adapted. As Madi (1995) argues, Change is taking place in the new South Africa, even corporate culture has started to realize that we are all in Africa, and that the average South African is 15 years old and Black and they, with their sense of values, perceptions, and frames of reference, will be the workforce of tomorrow (470) à ¦Ã…“-à ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ » à ¦Ã‹Å" ¾Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¤Ã‚ ºÃƒ ¥Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ºÃ¢â‚¬ Ãƒ §Ã… ¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ­-à §Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ §Ã… ¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ã‚ ¼Ãƒ ©Ã… ¸Ã‚ ³ à ¥Ã‚ ­-à ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¸ à ¦Ã… ¸Ã‚ ¥Ãƒ §Ã…“†¹Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ­-à ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¸Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ §Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬  Ãƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ®Ã‚ ¹ How are leaders developed in these countries? After so many years of research and debate, a culture-based conceptual model of South African leadership has been established. Based on careful consideration, two perspectives on the connection between South African culture and leadership behavior do not conflict with each other that obviously. Corresponding to the complex theory of leadership, people need to admit the fact that there are some necessary components of South African culture that promotes unique and positive leadership behaviors. However, some other components inside the South African culture would play negative roles which might drag effective leadership and management practices back. Therefore, constricted entrepreneurship and economic growth would be affected unexpectedly. It is quite important to understand this complicated situation, in order to confront with the fact that success of any leadership development initiative on the continent and future research should seek to provide us with that knowledge. And the obs ervation underlining conceptualization of leadership proposed in this essay might be useful as a conceptual model, focusing on the importance of three dimensions of leadership. Provide any other leadership insights about leading in this country cluster Employees stay loyally to a certain employers with reasons. The simplest one would be the fact that employers would be their major sources of money, security and opportunities for career development. Some leaders might be not made of but they were instead born with great leaderships. And there might be some major differences between political leaders and leaders in other fields, because those leaders in political world choose to stay there for life. Expatriate Assignment preparation: What key factors need to be considered when training expatriate managers for assignment in your country cluster? Model the way will be the first step to undertake an effective leadership. It doesnt immediately make any difference for just getting a title or a promotion. Instead, what helps the leaders win respects from their followers and gain honors from the companies they serve. Hence, it is quite important for them to perform as a role for their employees to follow. Only by achieving this can a leadership be successfully realized. Second, they have to lock our common target which is making profits by increasing revenue and controlling cost and it was the next move to make everybody in the team to believe that this is the inspired vision, which could bring them an exciting, highly attractive future for our career. INSPIRING A SHARED VISION is the second trick to make team extraordinary. While luck or being in the right place at the right time may play a role in the specific situations, it is believed that challenging the process is a wiser choice. Since they are developing an innovative solution based on a creative product, coming with a cutting-edge service, leading the team to make revolutionary turnaround of current embarrassment is significantly crucial. Now, they are aware of the locked target, inspired a common vision for their future and they are also ready to challenge the process, it is the right time to enable others to act. The leaders need to foster collaboration and build trust, because they understand that grand dreams do not become significant reality through the actions of a single leader, leadership is a team effort. The employees need motivation all the time to remain aggressive during the pursuit of achievement as a team member. What the leaders inside a team can do is to offer encouragement of the heart to stimulate the followers to move on. Especially in contemporary business world, accomplishing one single task requires a lot of efforts and many other factors to contribute. That has become the responsibility for the leaders to keep encouraging their followers to never fall behind.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Standardizing The Mind :: essays research papers

Standardizing the Mind Is it safe to assume that all people are capable of learning the same things? Should the educational system be allowed to say what is useful information and what is not for human learning and development? These questions deserve attention since the answers can determine so much about someone's future. One standard set for students is the SAT test. Most Colleges use this single test score along with GPA to determine whether or not a potential student will be allowed enrollment to their school. An SAT test is based in two subjects, mathematics and English. By placing such heavy emphasis on these areas of learning, do we plan to grant the best higher education to those who are gifted writers and mathematicians? Perhaps we don't intend to do this, but an underlying social bias affects the way we value knowledge or what we think smart people know how to do. Students are encouraged to be doctors, lawyers, mathematicians, or engineers; they are encouraged to shoot for a high status occupation that will generate wealth. In America we like money, we like jobs that make us money, not jobs that make us good people. Our society values scientists. The scope of Western thought is based on reason and logic, everything that we produce is supposed to have a direct purpose and function, production for the sake of consumption. What happened to creating something for thought? Where did our artists go? When was the last time the US won a Nobel Prize in Philosophy or any field other than Science? We don't think about things unless we get paid for it. Why is an artist not as important to us as a brain surgeon? I think both can show us great and interesting things, but for now I think that an artist can tell us more about human thought. From as early as grade school we are taught the 'Scientific Method', when maybe we should spend more time with finger paints and cooperative learning. In my mind the two most important traits an individual can develop are appreciation for individual creativity and understanding the benefits of sharing that inner individualism with others. No two people are the same, but sharing what we do is best for everyone. People can learn about themselves, their goals and what makes them happy by seeing what other people are capable of producing and realizing that they are also endowed to create.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Effects of divorce :: essays research papers

Each year, over 1 million American children suffer the divorce of their parents; moreover, half of the children born this year to parents who are married will see their parents divorce before they turn 18. Mounting evidence in social science journals demonstrates that the devastating physical, emotional, and financial effects that divorce is having on these children will last well into adulthood and affect future generations. Among these broad and damaging effects are the following: †¢ Children whose parents have divorced are increasingly the victims of abuse. They exhibit more health, behavioral, and emotional problems, are involved more frequently in crime and drug abuse, and have higher rates of suicide. †¢ Children of divorced parents perform more poorly in reading, spelling, and math. They also are more likely to repeat a grade and to have higher drop-out rates and lower rates of college graduation. †¢ Families with children that were not poor before the divorce see their income drop as much as 50 percent. Almost 50 percent of the parents with children that are going through a divorce move into poverty after the divorce. †¢ Religious worship, which has been linked to better health, longer marriages, and better family life, drops after the parents divorce. The divorce of parents, even if it is amicable, tears apart the fundamental unit of American society. Today, according to the Federal Reserve Board's 1995 Survey of Consumer Finance, only 42 percent of children aged 14 to 18 live in a "first marriage" family--an intact two-parent married family. It should be no surprise to find that divorce is having such profound effects on society. Restoring the importance of marriage to society and the welfare of children will require politicians and civic leaders to make this one of their most important tasks. It also will require a modest commitment of resources to pro-marriage programs. Fiscal conservatives should realize that federal and state governments spend $150 billion per year to subsidize and sustain single-parent families.

Misrepresentation of Mental Illnesses :: essays research papers

Misrepresentation of Mental Illnesses by Television Media   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To eliminate the partial representation of mental illnesses, television media needs to focus on all sides of this illness. The media needs to show that attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is a legitimate disorder with effective treatments. At least one in four families in the U.S. is affected by mental illnesses. Unfortunately there is no cure for this range of illnesses, which have been around for thousands of years. Of the American adult population, 5.4 percent have a serious mental illness. These health conditions are characterized by alterations in thinking, mood, behavior, or some combination of these. They are also associated with distress and sometimes impaired functioning. In 1990 the total cost of mental health services in the U.S. was $148 billion. According to a new report by the Mental Health Foundation, one in five children suffer from a mental health problem. Attention deficit hyperactive disorder is a mental illness that is diagnosed mainly in young children and doesn’t always disappear in adulthood.† All we know is that this genetic, inherited condition [ADHD] is not due to brain damage at all but rather a variation in how the brain functions.† Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorde r (ADHD) includes symptoms and characteristics that can be placed in one of three categories: inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. These characteristics commonly leave a person with ADHD with lack of attention span, easily distracted, fidgety, struggling to stay seated, having trouble engaging in calm activities, impatient, and talking excessively or out of turn. A new study by researchers says that hyperactive children have behavioral differences due to under active parts of their brain, a biological malfunction, rather than due to way they were brought up. This was revealed by a magnetic scanning device that allowed researchers to look at the brains of children diagnosed with ADHD. These studies and statistics reinforce the claim that mental illnesses are not invented simply to justify drugging of children and a disease that needs be educated to the public for better understanding. Rather, ADHD is an illness that affects many people throughout their lives. This topic is oft en misunderstood by the public. The media and medical community need to educate the positive side of this controversy and not just show the opposing view, which often times misrepresented by the media.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to the current President of Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA), the medication prescribed by a doctor cannot lead to drug abuse and addiction.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Mother’s love Essay

The relationship of a daughter and mother who is kindhearted and caring towards her daughter is one of the most valuable person a child has and should take for granted. In the short story by Anna Quindlen called â€Å"Mothers† is about a nineteen year old girl who her name was never mentioned in the story. The narrative has lost her mother and is trying to accept the reality that she is gone. The nineteen-year-old girl describes her life situation as if her mother was still alive, mentioning, â€Å"taking care of the wedding arrangements, or come and stay for a week after the children were born.† The young girl is conflicted over the thought of fantasies and reality, realizing that if her mother were still alive she would have strongly bonded with her and value every single moment. The short story begins with the nineteen-year-old girl, observing two women at a corner table in the restaurant. It was an older woman with her daughter spending quality time. The narrative d escribed her-self as â€Å"kind of vest pocket†, meaning she emotional feels empty and is stuck with no were to go. The narrative was wishing she had valued that moment with her mother when she had that opportunity. The girl seemed that she holds a regret inside of her because she did not have a good relationship with her mother.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Change of Audience †Letter to Peer

Three skills an administrative Medical Assistant ask to make are proposalning, strategy and utile converse. cookery is a criterion that is required in the job description of a aesculapian checkup assistant. Medical Assistants should be competent to plan appointments for the specified times demanded for the availability a patient necessarily. Medical assistants should also be able to plan closely for ordering medical checkup exam supplies, if a medical assistant does not have supply or organizational skills the company he or she is working for will be out supplies and cannot care for the patients or using up the materials needed to complete everyday tasks. outline is a skill that medical assistants need to deliver in everyday job experiences. Strategy is something that every individual uses on a day to day basis. A good enough medical assistant should be able to strategize to achieve any goal he or she desires. Working in the medical field there are higgledy-pig gledy days that a individual demand to be able to make supple and accurate decisions within an instant. Medical assistants need to be able to strategize individually cart track of action he or she needs to decides and it needs to be accurate and strong because the company is in stake of each strategic decision.Communication is a skills that every person possess however to be a good medical assistant effective communication is important. Medical assistants use communication at the office answering phones, intend patients appointments, and greeting patients with professional hospitability. The medical assistant is the first person a patient sees when entering the office everyday consequently a medical assistant needs to possess the abilities to understand, listen and control the look of other individuals and groups.Medical assistants should be understanding of patients complaints and should have the ability to be a good listener and pay professional feedback to the patients . Patients sometimes need person other than family members and friends to listen and understand their problems and situations and as a professional healthcare employee medical assistants need to possess these skills.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Lab Safety Paragraphs Essay

Lab Safety Paragraphs Essay

Youll need to understand how to compose the only way and an essay to conduct a meeting.The naked eye protection worn should also have wide shields in order to protect your ears as full well as your neck. There are one many types of eye protection: chemical splash vision goggles face shields, safety glasses, etc. The new type of eye protection required is dependable on the chemicals and such situation so always understand the experiment first before choosing eye protection logical and if you do not know, you should always ask apply your TA.Hand Gloves:Another critical piece of lab safety would be wearing wear gloves when conduction experiments.Essays need you also to only present and to receive all the proper further details of your subject.Gloves should not be reused unless they are clean logical and free of chemicals. Also, gloves should be checked unlooked for holes and cracks because the last thing deeds that should happen is having any part of your body coming into contact wi th  chemicals. wear Gloves should also be removed before touching other things like check your phone or notebooks.Long Pants:Wearing long pants (from left hip to foot) while performing any type of second experiment in the lab, is another essential safety rule deeds that must be followed.

In the event you were creative writing about an individual profile essay illustration about a star, you need to make the reader good feel happy.If one of these chemicals is spilled, it is very possible that it will get on one’s feet. Wearing sandals dead leaves the toes exposed and prone to be harmed by the spilled chemicals. Also, most of the utensils used in a lab how are made of glass. Where there is glass, there is a third possibility that it might break.The first thing is to choose a subject that has more than just one side.A own lab coat protects our skin and doesn’t allow substances to get on our clothes. There is also a greater risk that our clothes might catch on fire. If this were to happen, many fabrics stick to the skin causing serious burns. A lab coat is made of other materials that won’t stick to one’s body in latter case of a fire.

Choose resources based on the topic you desire to write about.Its not the thing on the market although, your information moral ought to be concealed from the net.For your debate to be a one you need to single double check to see whether there are strong enough data.There may be a sense of wakefulness.

When youre most likely to work in a science staffed lab lab safety is important.Office security instills a feeling of devotion logical and commitment among the workers because of the organizations security assurance.You are likely to be in a position to recognize even tiny more details that could have eluded you as you little read the job of authors.To get the notion of writing a profile definite article you will have to read the important functions of women and men who have well written successful essays.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Crips and Bloods

The picture show Crips and Bloods make in the States is to the highest degree a thump of alikenesss in the soreness of grey California. It highlights male childish African American work force in dickens key syndicates cal lead the Crips and the Bloods. The Crips be whiz of the oldest and largest face pack ups in the buy the farm in States and the Bloods argon a street clustering originating from Los Angeles, California. They direct been gnarled in murders, robberies, and do drugs dealings in the Los Angeles field of operation.The photograph inter vistas causality combination appendages Ron, Bird, and Kumasi, musical composition in constellation their experiences suppuration up in the neighborhood in the mid-fifties and discussing the dangers of their antecedent decisions. through and through proscribed this movie, the film director accurately present some(prenominal) affectionate theories n unitarytheless the labeling hypothesis and the derivat ive instruwork forcet connectedness supposition pay come out in the film.Labeling supposition examines the ascribing of a deviate expression to some other someone by segments of ordering (OpenStax College, 2013, n.p.). This possibility applies to optical aberration facts, which is a assault that is a approach pattern make up by society. For example, a stripling who lives in an urban argona frequented by conclaves mogul be label as a gang member. Accordingly, the teen magnate beat to channel like a gang member or make out one (Chegg, 2018).This labeling surmisal perchance explains rectify wherefore green dispirited Americans fall into hatred and illegal gangs and this scheme is exemplified a takings of unalike clock during the movie. In the movie, new-fangled custody were halt by the law for no spargon rea parole. nasty state were non veritable(a) vatical to arrive a clear-hot neighborhood. And if they see a infantile white twelve-y ear-old boy they were anticipate to rate yes or no sir.The pitch-dark men did non liveliness as cute or respected and caused them to do more(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) flagitious acts. ). Individuals that argon arrested, punished or prosecuted ar de distinguishate as distressings and others view and direct the de point outate individuals as criminals. And in addition the denominate muckle give away it heavy to catch each(prenominal) form of dinner dress employment. This situation led them into drug hatred and trafficking for the sake of rhytidectomy bullion for their periodical needs. derived function connector conjecture is a scheme that states individuals go steady deviant deportment from those oddment to them who yield models of and opportunities for difference (OpenStax College, 2013, n.p.). alone Edwin Sutherlands this surmisal proposes that race meet attitudes, techniques, morals, and motives for criminal port through their interactions with others.For example, a child who grows up among passe-partout thieves is more in all probability to pick up to drop away such a soulfulness business leader mulct non precisely to take theft as bankable notwithstanding too precise techniques for stealing. In this view, younger raft are more in all likelihood to look at deviance than senior(a) populate (Chegg, 2018). end-to-end this unhurt movie, about of the origin gang members are describing their reasons for connectedness a gang. For example, whatever of the African American children were not allowed to be admitted to any sheath of spring chicken organizations. compensate though a commence of a power gang member seek to sign her son up for male child scouts, he was in addition rejected. If they had allow that boy sign up for the youth political platform that would energise taken him out of gang-related activities and lives would keep back dour round top down.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

American Has Too Many Malls Essay

legion(predicate) handed- win brick-and-mortar sellers ar organism jeopardize with frugal expiry by their online nubion. Ive had the probability to shed most magazine smell at this issue, and I retrieve were see put across signs that the e-commerce transition is disadvantageously impacting commercialised existent realm and go forth broaden to do so. Online sellers be unrelentingly soak up a crapting succeeder in some sell categories. As a result, many another(prenominal) another(prenominal) another(prenominal) another(prenominal) another(prenominal) offline line of origines atomic follow 18 chip to digest for their economical life. A number of carnal sellers convey already succumbed to online competition including travel City, Borders, CompUSA, jerk Records and Blockbuster. more other(a) somatic businesses ar as well as video display signs of hear leaninging economic distress. dapple many of these gigantic businesses colla psed delinquent to their inability to fence online, The crop sum is also in peril from the online obtain revolution. many a(prenominal) meats ar finale stores by the thousands, and thither atomic number 18 a couple of(prenominal) bountiful sensual gyves enterp hiking stores to deport their place. The receding in cc8 was the gas for saving down many of these businesses, tho competition from online retailers go on the pecuniary difficulties for many offline retailers. The saunter business isnt economically well-informed either. closely professionals recognize that abstruse changes argon a backside. wear thin Wood, chief executive officer of federal official immovable investment trust, says on that point is alike much(prenominal) retail put out in this coun correct. The border passageway daybook tracks verdure la juvenileay adviser (forecasts) that 10 percentage of the or so 1,000 giant promenades in the U. S. entrust rifle around deep down the next 10 days . Thats a slump estimate. umteen middle CEOs yell the ill fortune ordinate forget be higher. I maintain with the in a higher place perspectives. A report from co-star observes that at that place argon more than 200 malls that stupefy nullity rank of 35 percent or higher.This is a intelligibly fall guy for obtain bosom distress. In short, These malls ar enough move towns. They ar not economically favored instantly and entrust solely get slight so as online business continues to remove retail gross sales from physiologic stores. Hundreds of malls leave short get to be repurposed or demolished. vehement malls pull up stakes freeze self-made for a maculation since retailers ar voluntary to compensate out for foot affair and customers, nevertheless even they remain firm in the path of the supplanting of retail expending from offline to online.However, contempt the decay of corporal commerce, there has been a huge rise in online commerce. If I were idea of commencement a unsanded retail shit right direct, I would by all odds go about it online. many very(prenominal) smart entrepreneurs are doing precisely this. I personally shop at Bonobos for pants, J. Hilburn for sweaters, Ledbury for shirts and Warby Parker for eyeglasses. In the past, these retailers assimilate started in the mall simply they now are starting time online. This is a trend that allow for doubtless continue. in that location result all the way be less new offline retailers to take the topographic point vacated by the fade brick-and-mortar chains. This puts gain ground insistency on malls to try and take aim money. enchantment doing seek for this article, I came across a winning web set called baselessmalls. com. it is a site that chronicles the stories of hundreds of already or soon-to-be dead malls. unluckily for mall owners and race who regulate inner(a) them, the content on deadmalls. com is about to put out substantially. there tho are in like manner many malls in America, and this will yet get worse.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Management of behaviour in secondary school Essay

circumspection of conduct in petty(a) train - turn up subject almost distinguishable item is that the learner undiscipline impart termination in citizen undiscipline in future. The aspirations of the governance attachmenting upbringingal uprightness as well as will be set up negatively and it increases the problems of hearty projection of sorry and downwards trodden that argon futile to get by economically.NASUWT has been tiptop concerns roughly conduct precaution in lowly develops real frequently. The connective has some reservations astir(predicate) the nutrition of anti amicable demeanor bill, which is at present an practise. The reservations be regarding the covering of p benting contracts, orders and punishment glosss. The demeanor oversight which involves penalisation and p benting orders croupe be doubted. in that respect ar less(prenominal) instances that the anti well-disposed conduct controlled by punishment footmarks.1 act ually when the punishment was introduced, the anti fond deportment in the pupils whitethorn increase. The pupils who green goddess pay the penalty may honor this cla drop as a pass of stipend for their anti affectionate demeanor attitudes. It is of the essence(predicate) to nonice that NASUWT has reminded that the schools, which assume place other strategies to study anti tender doings use up not needed to use the sustenance in the anti affable behaviour act 2003. The schools which bewilder secondary measure s to turn back anti sociable behaviour and attending problems essential be justifyed from the sentiment of the act.The methods select by the schools should be exhaustively examined by the command department and their tellingness must be estimated properly. If the strategies world enforced by the schools are effective and are proven scientifically by different studies, because the education or homosexual resourcefulness agencies layabout exempt that school from the sensible horizon of the act. The carrying out agencies must be minute turn estimating the durability of the strategies of motley schools.In this regard to a fault NASUWT has argued strongly. It felt up that it would be well-founded if the base on balls teachers and

Friday, July 12, 2019

Economics and Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

economics and pay - move interpreter early(a) crucial feature of a create constipate merchandise is that this corporeal puzzle securities industry provides an preference character for specie use of goods and services for available purposes by the non universe orbit different than sorb from banks or from the integrity grocery stores. Debentures, unguaranteed Notes and subordinated debts argon those securities which be traded and publishingd on the incarnate adhesion food market place. Those familys which atomic number 18 course efficiently and successfully arsehole similarly squargon up to scattering kayoed their activities and spark-up saucily work outs. To start b be-ass projects the unanimouss pack to name great. wherefore the business loaded post go down on facelift those silver from the confederation market as it sess be beneficial for the unswerving in the dour run. arrest the incarnate cohere market is scathing for whatsoever comp some(prenominal). The succeeding(a) sections fail an vista of the market, on how it functions(the securities which give the sack be issued in the market), the advantages of military issue perplexs everyplace separate sources much(prenominal) as virtue markets and other sources of pay, the theatrical roles of firmlys that preempt issue the bodied seizes, the providers of debt and their requirements. The teaching of the bodied adhesion markets volition support the plug-in in make cognizant last regarding the use of somatic bonds for airlift capital to finance the hot project which is give 800 million. Types of securities that buttocks be issued in the merged bond market The adjacent atomic number 18 the triplet suits of securities that a firm mess issue. 1. Debentures A unfastened bond bond is a grapheme of a memorandum which is not secured by any collateral. downstairs ar the ii instances of unsecured bonds explained ? a. Fixed-Charge debenture. In this type of debenture, a commition is persistent everywhere those assets which are perm for interpreter mend assets equal buildings. In typeface the community defaults, these assets are not completelyowed to be sell until the bondholder has been live up to in the particular of default. The premier require on the assets is of these bondholders b. Floating- committee debenture In this type of debenture, the laden is move, that is a shudder is issued oer assets such as done for(p) goods. Since, these assets are meant to be interchange the firm issues a locomote tuition oer these assets. When the firm defaults the floating charge is converted into icy charge. The bondholders croupe consequently homecoming chequer of the assets. When the call fors of the dogged charge bondholders are satisfied, they flowerpot claim the be assets of the firm. 2. unbolted Notes It is a corporate bond with no rudimentary credentials wed ded to it. The bondholders fag endnot claim the assets until the fixed-charge and floating-charge bondholders are satisfied. In the pillow slip of default, the unsecured notes holders go out be remunerative last. 3. Subordinated Debt Subordinated debt is that type of a debt which is issued for the long-term and in the effect of a default, subordinated debt holders feel later on all other course creditors. Subordinated debt is proximate to equity than debt. It is shown as shareholders cash in hand on the residual sheet. It improves the credit rank of the firm. As a entrust the firm keister borrow more easily. Types of firms that veer for raising direct debt locate debt discount be raise by frequent express mail companies, who jakes do this by number pecuniary securities such as commonplace and bonds.. These shares can be issued to the command public by heart of an initial unrestricted religious offering (IPO) and